Quick links: Academic
At Marlborough Boys’ College we focus on boys aspiring to “be the best that they can be” in all facets of school life.
At Marlborough Boys’ College we focus on boys aspiring to “be the best that they can be” in all facets of school life.
Academic achievement is valued and supported by regular guidance from whānau teachers, subject teachers and deans.
Students who achieve overall excellence or merit passes at NCEA are awarded academic badges.
Marlborough Boys' College provides a broad-based education for all students before focusing on specific educational pathways based on student aspiration.
Our curriculum allows students to access a wide range of learning opportunities and provides multiple learning pathways.
We have students undertaking diverse programmes designed to cater for their individual needs and abilities. Whether a student is aiming for excellence and scholarship or looking fo entry to the trades or employment, we have programmes to support them.
Curriculum selection
View an overview of courses on offer at Marlborough Boys' College for the upcoming school year.
Curriculum selection is completed in term 3 of each academic year and is done through Schoolpoint.
An option evening for whānau allows students to talk to teaching staff, find out about the courses on offer and which fit with their aspirations.
Whānau tutors and deans guide students and their whānau through this process to make the best choices for students learning the following year.